AIDF 2011 and Trade Without Borders

Trade Without Borders creates Sustainable Social and Economic Value by enabling inclusive global trade to, from and between Developing regions of the world.

June 8 & 9, 2011, Washington, DC. Laura Johnson Collard, President, Trade Without Borders, USA, attended the Aid & International Development Forum (AIDF). The Forum is an annual global event dedicated to the effective delivery of humanitarian aid and development solutions.

This year Trade Without Borders (TWB) was one of 100 NGO and International and Government organizations exhibiting. The TWB exhibit included environmentally friendly items that can be used in off grid locations, such as the solar powered mobile phone charger and the solar powered lantern and radio. Also on display was information about the TWB solar powered mosquito trap, effective in controlling mosquitos that transmit Dengue, Chikungunya, Dirofilariasis Dirofilariasis, and Yellow fever.

AIDF provided TWB with an opportunity to network with representatives of other organizations involved in aid, relief and development. Laura and her colleague, Akinwale Roy Ojomo introduced the work of TWB as they discussed global humanitarian and development challenges looking at the TWB product line and how TWB might be involved with inclusive global trade solutions.

Trade Without Borders (TWB) is creating a paradigm shift in thinking about international development by focusing on practical means to expand responsible and inclusive global trade to, from and between developing regions of the world.

For more information about TWB visit or send an e-mail to info(at)
